Support Groups

Our goal is to provide a place of comfort, strength, support and hope for people as they work through their personal struggles.

Treatment Locator

Visit to find services in your area.

*You are going to a government website — Saddleback Church does not recommend or endorse specific listings. Please check with your insurance provider to determine your coverage.

ADD and Asperger’s Adults, Parents, and Families

Designed to provide a faith-based Support Group for adults with ADD and Asperger's, parents of children with ADD, and their family members.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Group

Designed for those caring for a spouse or parent with Alzheimer’s/Dementia. Caregivers who attend can give insights and tips.

Divorce Care

This 14-week support group deals with the major issues facing those going through the difficulties of divorce.

Families & Friends of those with Mental Illness

Designed to give information and support to the families & friends of those who suffer with severe and chronic mental illness.

Grief Share Support Group

This workshop is being offered via Zoom to make it easier for you to attend.

Veterans of Armed Forces Support Group

Designed for support of men and women of any of our armed forces.